Military Wellness Centers

 BioMeasure Machines are self-service devices that accurately measure weight and height, body fat percentage and calculate body mass index (BMI) at the push of a button, then provide results on a printed ticket to each user in less than one minute.
Instant, Non-Invasive PHA Screening Tools That Will Inform and Educate 
Service Members with Baseline Information While Tracking Health Improvement

BioMeasure Machines Will:


  • Height, weight, body fat percentage and calculate BMI in seconds with the latest technology
  • Baseline information allowing Service Members to monitor their progress
  • Program effectiveness by accurately tracking health outcome improvement


  • Health activity and promote positive trends
  • Aggregate age and gender specific data collection results for comparisons
  • Personalized results with date stamped print-out for future reference


  • Unhealthy trends and suggest recommended guidelines based on age and gender
  • Potential health risks and the need for improvement


  • Instant, self-service, Periodic Health Assessments (PHA)
  • A quick and easy way to encourage Service Members to proactively monitor improvement
  • Brand advertisers a unique opportunity to reach a highly targeted market

Promote Positive Change:

  • Creating a Culture of Wellness
  • New Standard for evaluating Program effectiveness
  • Inspiring, identifying and integrating active solutions
  • Encouraging healthy lifestyles for soldiers, family members, retirees and civilians
  • Increasing readiness, resiliency, retention and recruitment through an identified culture of health